Just Treat Yourself!

Just Treat Yourself!

Many of us do not seem to fathom the importance of pampering ourselves or gifting ourselves with something we have been desiring for forever! We often work so much; the thought just simply doesn’t occur to us, or it may even seem a bit ludicrous. I myself have a hard time persuading myself to give in to my own pleasures. My guilty conscious always kicks me upside the head when I spend money on a new pair of boots or buy myself the MamaSushi roll from MamaSushi.

Constantly obsessing over saving every penny “just in case” truly means that your spending habits are governed by fear and can create bad energy in your life. When treating yourself, you have trust for yourself and your life, and you know everything will be perfectly fine.

  1. Your responsibilities will be a lifetime thing. We always have bills to pay, obligations to other people, maybe you have kids or parents to take care of, or you work over 40 hours a week. Have you ever stopped to think, what would happen if you weren’t good? If you weren’t able to give your best to those you love? There is no shame in taking an hour for yourself so YOU can feel better and get what YOU need, so treat yourself!
  2. Improvement for your overall mood. If you aren’t giving your body and mind some time to pamper yourself, your mood and energy will be off. Add in a spa treatment to your busy schedule, buy yourself those sexy shoes or that new video game you’ve been eyeing at the mall. It’ll boost your everyday joy and lighten your spirits.
  3. Motivational strategy. Think of starting a reward plan for yourself. Every 40 plus hours you work for a week, think of it as a reward you plan on treating yourself with. Whether it be a mani + pedi or a haircut at the barber shop to make yourself feel physically better. Every treat you decide to rightfully give yourself is well-deserved.
  4. Avoiding illnesses. If you’re constantly working, helping others out and not giving yourself time to take a step back and relax for at least an hour, eventually you’ll burn out and make yourself sick. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to treat your mind and body. Trust me, they will thank you!

If you can’t afford to spend $1,000 on an over-the-top vacation weekend to Miami, absolutely don’t do it to yourself. However, if it’s not a huge burden to your pockets, or you can make it up on your next paycheck, don’t be afraid to spend a little on something you’ve been desiring.

Are you in the mood to go see Romeo Santos in concert this winter? Go for it and treat yourself. You’ve been dying to have some sea salted caramel ice cream, maybe even some chocolate covered strawberries? Go treat yourself. You’ve been wishing to go for that spa treatment all month already, just treat yourself!

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